The Geology Room houses a collection of local minerals and fossils, many of which originate from the Mendip Hills. You will find displays charting the geological sequences found in the local area, including volcanic rocks from the Silurian volcanoes, ferns from the Carboniferous, fish and ammonites from the Jurassic, and much more. The specimens are displayed in their original wooden cabinets.
The room contains minerals which show the mining heritage of the Mendip Hills, with evidence of extraction dating back more than 2000 years. The main ores mined were of lead, zinc and iron, but you will learn about the lesser known minerals which brought wealth to the area. From ochres for colouring to calamine for lotions, the displays explore the human links to the geology of the area. Local historical artefacts show the uses of many of these local resources.
Not to be missed are the four large 'pigs' of Roman lead which were recovered from the Mendip Hills, on display in the main downstairs corridor.